Austin U Austin U


Many of us want to get out there and take on the day, work hard and accomplish things. This is admirable, and requires a high level of output. Make sure to provide yourself with the required input to maintain the energy levels needed to thrive in the work you want to do.

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Interconnected: Knee Pain
Austin U Austin U

Interconnected: Knee Pain

We all look locally when something hurts, it is only sensical. What often goes unappreciated is the accumulation of events that lead to the painful spot. The initial conditions, the rules of movement and time, all contribute to the outcome.

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Austin U Austin U


We all have a certain amount of potential, and with a good coach we can fully realize our capabilities. As a physical therapist I take it upon myself to coach patients through their recovery, and we work together to tap into that unrealized ability.

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Addition By Subtraction
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Addition By Subtraction

We all develop strategies for moving within the world, and when those strategies work for long enough, they become subconscious. Only when we are unable to utilize that strategy does something grab our attention.

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Interconnected: Shoulder Pain
Austin U Austin U

Interconnected: Shoulder Pain

As a physical therapist, my wheelhouse resides in the mechanics required for motion. The number of contributing factors to a patient’s issue can be many. Keeping this in mind allows us to make better decisions together, and with enough time, solve the problem.

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Austin U Austin U


The most difficult part of being a physical therapist is asking a patient to recognize the importance of taking their health into their own hands. It requires making themselves a priority in a world that insists everything else comes first.

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Slowness in Physical Therapy
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Slowness in Physical Therapy

Slowness implies an abundance of time. Time is a fundamental resource we are all searching for, one that we want more of, yet we spend less time doing the things we want to do.

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Range of Motion
Austin U Austin U

Range of Motion

Your standard, run of the mill, physical therapy clinic will typically assess your range of motion at your first visit, and maybe once or twice more during your episode of care. What if that range is changing and in order to make better decisions we need to monitor those changes more closely? When I go to a tailor, he takes measurements every time I see him, why shouldn’t your physical therapist?

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Simple Rules Create Complexity
Austin U Austin U

Simple Rules Create Complexity

Movement is a complex topic. It has a number of variables that impact the outcome, some of which we can track and interpret, others of which we cannot. At the heart of movement are simple rules, these rules compound and eventually lead to the complexity of motion as a whole.

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Knee Pain
Austin U Austin U

Knee Pain

Like all aspects of pain, issues at the knee are complex. I have reduced the treatment options down for the sake of this post, however these strategies can be useful. Finding a person that is a specialist in movement related issues can be of tremendous benefit, as they may be able to assist in identifying potential causes and they can coach you in your return to where you want to be.

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Energy is Everything
Austin U Austin U

Energy is Everything

Our ability to regulate input and output requires effort, and effort requires energy. We all have a limited supply and examining how you are spending that energy can have tremendous benefits.

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Cardio or Weights?
Austin U Austin U

Cardio or Weights?

The most effective way to get the most from your exercise regimen is to determine the desired outcome, select activities that promote that particular change and reassess after a sufficient period of time.

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Brittle vs. Adaptable
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Brittle vs. Adaptable

Adaptation is something that we, as human beings, have developed a remarkable ability to do. Despite ever-changing environmental conditions, we find a way to thrive.

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Context is Crucial
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Context is Crucial

Every client has unique needs that require thoughtful solutions, and the context of those needs is always changing. We must be adaptable in our approach, fluidly altering our plans as needed.

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Austin U Austin U


Research from several decades ago, circa mid-1960s, revealed that muscles do not stretch very much. Their elastic qualities are minimal, and this makes sense if they are the force producing agents we need to move things.

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Austin U Austin U


Providing high quality care to patients requires taking in large amounts of information, synthesizing it, and developing a potential solution to a problem.

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Resisting strain or stress is a quality that is incredibly useful when lifting heavy things. The intention is to move the weight, and to do this you must prevent motion within yourself.

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Customer Care
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Customer Care

The health care system no longer values depth of understanding and long-term relationships. It has developed a model that defines success by capital gained, not by positive outcomes.

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Movement and Low Back Pain
Austin U Austin U

Movement and Low Back Pain

All too common is the trip to your healthcare provider of choice, a quick X-ray and advice to rest, take some sort of medication and wait. The advice comes from a place of uncertainty, and the solution requires a more customized approach.

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